Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Belajar Biology yuuk.....

Apa itu Arthropoda

Untuk mengenal Arthropoda yang hidup di dalam gua yang perlu diperhatikan adalah ciri utama yang membedakan dengan kelompok invertebrata lain. Asal kata Arthropoda adalah berasal dari dua kata Yunani yaitu arthros yang berarti berbuku-buku atau beruas dan podos yang berarti kaki. Jadi secara umum kelompok arthropoda di cirikan dengan kaki yang berbuku-buku atau beruas. Antara ruas satu dengan yang lainnya dihubungkan oleh lembaran yang elastis yang memudahkan pergerakan badan dan kakinya.
Secara evolusi kelompok arthropoda merupakan hewan yang paling berhasil dalam dalam mengembangkan jenisny. Hampir 75% hewan di bumi ini adalh arthropoda. Begitu juga di dalam gua, arthropoda memgang peranan penting dan mempunyai keanekaragaman tinggi dan paling berhasil beradaptasi dalam lingkungan gua. Arthropoda banyak ditemukan sebagi hewan yang khas dan teradaptasi dengan lingkungan gua. Arthropoda menyumbang sekitar 80% hewan khas gua.
Secara morfologi Arthropoda dicirikan dengan badan yang beruas biasnya mencapai lebih dari 21 ruas, yang tiap ruasnya mempunyai sepasang anggota badan (appendages) namun sepasang anggota badan ini ada yang mereduksi atau berubah bentuk dan fungsi sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing kelompok. Ciri penting lain adalah kelompok arthropoda tidak memunyai struktur tulang di dalam tubuhnya. Arthropoda mempunyai struktur dinding badan keras yang menutupi tubuh bagian luar untuk melindungi bagian dalam tubuh yang biasanya disebut eksosekeleton. Bagian paling luar mempunyai struktur yang paling keras dan diperkuat oleh khitin. Meskipun keras namun strukutur ini masih memungkinkan pergerakan di tiap ruas.

Kelas Crustacea beranggotakan kelompok udang-udangan, kepiting dan kutu kayu. Kelas Crustacea dicirikan dengan alat mulut berupa mandibula sehingga sering disebut kelompok mandibulata. Bagian tubuh terdiri dari kepala dan thorak yang menyatu menjadi cepahlothorax. Crustacea mempunyai lima pasang kaki yang , untuk kepiting berjumlah 4 pasang kaki sepasang kaki paling depan mengalami modifikasi menjadi capit


Kelas chilopoda merupakan bangsa lipan yang berbadan panjang dan pipih dengan bagian badan terdiri dari kepala dan batang badan. Jumlah ruas pada batang badan bervariasi tergantung pada ordo masing-masing, jumlah ruas bisa mencapai 190 ruas.
Pada kepala terdapat antena yang beruas banyak sedangkan di batang badan terdapat sepasang kaki pada tiap ruasnya. Pada bagian akhir batang badan biasanya terdapat sepasang organ modifikasi dari kaki yang berfungsi untuk perlindungan diri yaitu sting organ. Jumlah pasang kaki dapat digunakan sebagai pembeda pada tiap ordo.
Chilopoda beranggotakan 1. Scolopendromorpha, 2. Lithobiomorpha, 3. Scutigeromorpha, 4. Geophilomorpha


Kelas Diplopoda dicirikan dengan tubuh yang memanjang, globular dan mempunyai antenna pada bagian kepala yang berjumlah tujuh ruas. Ciri khas Diplopoda adalah jumlah pasang kaki pada tiap ruasnya berjumlah dua pasang sehingga disebut diplo (ganda) dan podos (kaki). Dua pasang kaki pada tiap ruasnya diduga menyatunya dua ruas menjadi satu. Pada empat ruas bagian thorak mempunyai sepasang kaki.  
Diplopoda dikenal dengan nama kaki seribu karena jumlah kaki yang sangat banyak atau senggulung karena perilaku menggulung jika mendapatkan gangguan. Umumnya Diplopoda merupakan herbivora, saprophagus yaitu hidup di sisa materi organik.
Ukuran Diplopoda bervariasi dari yang sangat kecil sampai yang berukuran 10 cm atau lebih. Diplopoda di dalam gua biasanya berukuran kecil tidak lebih dari lima sentimeter biasanya dari kelompok Julida dan Polydesmida.
Anggota Diplopoda meliputi : 1. Polydesmida, 2. Siphonophorida, 3. Julida


Kelas Arachnida dibedakan dengan kelas yang lainnya dengan tidak adanya anggota badan sebagai organ perasa yang sering disebut antena yang biasanya terdapat di bagian depan kepala di keempat kelas lainnya. Ciri yang lain adalah badan terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu kepala, thorax dan abdomen.
Namun bagian kepala dan thorax menyatu menjadi satu sehingga sering disebut dengan cephalothorax. Bagian cephalothorax biasanya dilindungi oleh bagian yang keras yang disebut carapace.
Alat mulut dilengkapi dengan chelicera dan pedipalpus, chelicera berbentuk capit yang berguna untuk merobek badan mangsanya sehingga kelompok ini kadang disebut chelicerata. Pedipalpus berbentuk capit namun lebih panjang dan berguna untuk menangkap mangsa. Karena tidak berantenna sepasang kaki paling depan di beberapa kelompok berubah fungsi menjadi indra yang berfungsi seperti antena.
Ciri khas yang lain adalah Arachnida mempunyai empat pasang kaki di bagian cephalothorax, sehingga jumlah kaki menjadi delapan  dan sering disebut decapoda.  Bagian abdomen biasanya tidak mempunyai anggota badan (appendages) jika ada biasanya kecil dan berfungsi sebagai alat reproduksi, pemintal jaring dan tidak pernah digunakan untuk pergerakan.
Hampir semua ordo anggota Arachnida dapat hidup di dalam gua dan banyak terdapat di gua-gua Indonesia. Kontribusi Arachnida dalam komunitas Arthropoda gua cukup besar dan mempunyai peran yang bervariasi dari pemangsa sampai perombak atau scavenger.
Kelas Arachnida mempunyai beberapa kelompok sperti: 1. Scorpiones, 2. Uropygi, 3. Amblypygi, 4. Schizomida, 5. Araneae, 6. Palpigradi, 7. Pseudoscorpiones, 8. Opiliones,  9. Acari dan beberapa kelompok lain


Kelas Insekta merupakan kelas yang dicirikan dengan badan dibedakan menjadi 3 bagian yaitu kepala, thorak dan abdomen. Terdapat 3 pasang kaki yang terletak di 3 ruas bagian thorak, berantena, tidak bersayap atau sepasang dan dua pasang sayap. Alat mulut berupa mandibula.


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System Requirements
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Step-by-step Guide: How to transfer songs between iPods and copy music from iPod to iPod with this iPod song transfer?
Step 1: Free download this iPod song transfer and run it.
Step 2: Launch this iPod song transfer. The interface is as follows:
Step 3: Connect two iPods to your computer. Then your iPods' information will be displayed:
Note: The two windows will display the same iPod's info. Just click the other tab:
Step 4: Creat a playlist on one iPod (you want to transfer songs to):
Click playlist button:
Then double-click Add New Playlist:
The added playlist will be displayed:
Step 5: Highlight the file(s) you'd like to transfer to the new playlist::
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Then the file counts will change to 1:
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If you may be a single guy and aren't the perfect at locating considerably much less meeting girls and are questioning where exactly you may visit locate and get together with a young girl, then these ten reasonable tips on how to satisfy a female along at the shopping mall, need to arrive in mighty handy.

1 - Go to your food court. Think it or not, the meals court is the absolute ideal put in your mall to fulfill a girlfriend. Here's what you do. Choose a foodstuff put and get in line for your meal. While you might be in line, glance all around the region in which every person is seated and eating. Seem to be to get a girl sitting alone, or even two girls seated together. When you might have your meal in hand, walk around to exactly where she or they are sitting and find out if you'll be able to join them. If you're truthful and straightforward with them, your probabilities are very fantastic.

2- Do some pondering. Just before you even think of going for the local mall to satisfy a chick, sit yourself down and do some really serious considering. Take into account how you could connect a lady and what you can say to her if you might be flourishing. Contemplate which parts from the mall you'll pay a visit to. Also, you're likely to will need to obtain something even though there, what do you may need? Finally, give some thought to what meeting a young girl in a public location entails. Undoubtedly you'll will need to start looking to get a wedding ring ahead of speaking into a lady, and you will would need to contemplate if it's wiser to speak into a girlfriend alone or one particular who's with others. Lastly, you can expect to have to be realistic about your own age plus the ages of the female you need to meet. As in, you're likely to would need to tell on your own being reasonable and don't have a go with to meet girls which are a lot of younger or older than you should be, or that take a look out of one's league.

3 - Ask for assist. After one is at long last in the local mall, one on the means to satisfy girls is by asking them for guide. Females understand that guys have no notion what they are really undertaking once they are buying, so asking for facilitate will not appear this kind of a ridiculous notion. Request allow in picking out a jacket for by yourself for instance. Executing so let's the woman know that you just are single. If she agrees to help you, consult her other questions as you grab totally different jackets to experiment with on.

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Apart from producing purchases for the duration of revenue, ordering in bulk can conserve you tons of money. Its usually very good to break recipients into a number of groups initial - near loved ones, loved ones, near buddies, pals, colleagues - you receive the thought. Performing so makes it possible for you to organize your ordering more desirable. That stated I only have two recipient groups - instant household and other people.

Obviously you'd probably need to purchase much more individual and thoughtful presents for any individuals closer for you. But for far more generic presents, I advise pack browsing, that is just like pack hunting, only nicer.

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The relative difficulties of women's and men's fashion

Both men and women could have the demands of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style usually feels a lot easier. Of course, for both genders, costumes and fashion choices can be equally as complicated, and there are several'trendy'things that can quickly become fashion faux pas - who can say they frequently see people walking on in 70s flares? On the other hand, men's style includes a few staple items which can exist forever - which man is likely to look out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Select classic pieces, colours and materials and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why basic men's style is timeless

The classic man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous kinds for various functions, nevertheless they are all common in their pursuit of a wise, sharp try to find the person. The great thing about common fashion for men is that it's simply elegant effortlessly neat. A well-groomed man can typically appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the style of such clothing. A match will be utilized to work in several occupations because of the professional look it provides to the person, instilling a feeling of respect and trust. Similarly a suit will undoubtedly be worn to many social occasions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This incredible versatility which allows matches to be used in almost all occasions is what gives it its timeless border and a permanent devote men's fashion.

Contemporary trends in traditional men's style

Although basic men's styles will never be changed, it is interesting to remember that changes in men's fashion trends have produced certain classic garments back to fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specially, has had back a wide-variety of classic types into men's closets, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who dress in a classic yet expensive way, placing value on appearance and acting in a sophisticated approach. This pattern for nearly'over-the-top'traditional style for men is evident from events such as the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress yourself in particularly Victorian-style clothing and take to the roads on vintage bicycles - with most of the men wearing perfect mustaches! This really is only one of many examples of data exhibiting the resurrection of such styles. Additionally, there are numerous blogs online which focus on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on traditional men's fashion and grooming.

In conclusion, though specific areas of classic men's fashion could be cut back as new styles, the fundamental clothes that they are derived from will never fall out of fashion.

"All it requires really are a few simple garments. And there's one secret - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a technical twist.
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